Transform the Way You Cook with Fresh Herbs and Olive Oil

There is something so refreshing about adding herbs and olive oil to a dish. The taste of the dish instantly transforms to a more vibrant and flavorful meal. If you have never cooked with fresh herbs and olive oil before, I suggest you start immediately as they will change the way you cook and eat forever. I’m very big on adding both to every dish so I have included some delicious recipes. I also included some tips and tricks on how to preserve herbs and olive oil properly so they don’t spoil or lose their amazing flavor.

Fresh Herbs:

I absolutely adore fresh herbs. The smell and flavors just bring me back home to when I would eat them fresh from my father’s little herb and vegetable sanctuary. He would create a dish right in our backyard from everything he grew and it would always be amazing! I now grow herbs in my own garden and I incorporate them into just about every dish I eat on a daily basis. The vibrancy of colors and flavors just add a layer of taste that improves anything you eat. From drinks to appetizers to desserts, herbs can be consumed so many ways to elevate the flavors and make your palette very content. The amazing aroma and taste make me instantly happy and I hope they do the same for you.

Tips and Tricks:

Herbs are so enjoyable, but they wilt very quickly. Check out our Prepara Herb Assortment for best way to elongate the life of your fresh herbs and some other great herb tools that we love to use.

Olive Oil:

There is so much to say about my love of olive oil. Growing up in an Italian household that’s a main ingredient my parents would cook with. From frying meat to pouring over fresh herbs and vegetables, we would use olive oil for breakfast, lunch and dinner to add that extra smoothness and a touch of freshness to a dish. Olive oils have a huge range and depth of flavors depending on country and region. There is high quality olive oil that should have more of a fruity and fresh herb flavor or there is lower quality olive oil that will have less enjoyable flavor. My suggestion is to try many different types until you find the one you best love for frying or the one for preparing none cooked dishes. It’s almost like pairing wines to your meals. Different oils can be paired with different meals you prepare. It all depends on what makes your palette happy and make the flavors of the dish come out more.  

Tips and Tricks:

Store olive oil in a dark area or cabinet. For great storing options, check out our Prepara Olive Oil Collection.


Check out a few delicious Spring/Summer recipes to incorporate into your recipe collection:

Tomato and Chickpea Salad – Annie Rosario

This is one of my favorite recipes that we prepare all spring and summer long. The burst of flavors and freshness of the dish will become a staple in your home. I hope you enjoy it as much as my family does. You can enjoy this with any meat or as a nice snack with fresh bread and specialty meat and cheeses.


2 cups Cherry Tomatoes – Cut in half and cross ways

1 can of Chickpeas – drain water

Oregano, to taste

2 tablespoons Olive Oil

Fresh Basil

2 Squeezed Garlics

1/2 piece of Celery, chopped

Salt and Pepper, to taste

2 anchovies chopped very fine, optional

Note: if you add anchovies, do not add any salt to the dish or it will be too salty.


Wash tomatoes, basil and celery. Cut cherry tomatoes in fours and dice up celery in small pieces. Drain the chickpeas and place them in a bowl with the cut tomatoes and celery. Squeeze two garlic cloves in bowl and cut basil into strips to add to the bowl.  Add olive oil, salt, pepper and oregano and mix well. Optional to chop up two anchovies, but omit salt so it’s not overly salted. Enjoy!


Parsley Lemon Olive Oil Marinade – Annie Rosario

A great marinade that is packed with flavor and perfect for weekday grilling. Try this on thin steaks, chicken, shrimp and more.


1 cup Fresh Parsley, chopped

Zest and juice of 1 Lemon

1 cup Olive Oil

Salt and Pepper, to taste


Add all ingredients and mix well. Take a zip lock bag, add meat and let marinate in refrigerator until ready to grill.


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  • Carol Swem on

    Glad I saw this I have a herb garden and am always excited to find new ways to use them

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